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Money Laundering: a new method to be aware of

In a recent article published by Lauren Connell, Managing Associate at The Volkov Law Group, Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML) is briefly analysed. As Ms Connell pointed out, this new method is becoming increasingly exploited by money launders.

For that reason, we believe to share an extract of Ms Connell’s article which reports an example of TBML and summarises what measures could be taken by companies doing business internationally. Ms Connell wrote:

TBML is a simple concept; use trade transactions to move value and disguise or legitimize the illicit origins of criminal funds. Criminals use mis-invoicing (over or under) or third party payments to move tremendous amounts of money in what appear to be legitimate transactions. Few companies have systems in place to catch this type of illegal activity, subjecting companies to liability for violations of money laundering laws that exist in almost every country.

For example, lets say your company sells silver widgets that are used in manufacturing processes. One of your salespeople gets very excited when a $5 million order comes in from Customer A in South America. Customer A is a former customer who has made several, much smaller purchases in the past. Your salesperson processes the order, the goods are shipped out and Customer A is invoiced by Accounts Receivable. Three weeks later, Accounts Receivable receives a $5 million deposit with the invoice number provided to Customer A. Payment has been received and so the sale is marked as closed.

Did anyone ask who payment was received from? Did anyone ask why Customer A had a huge increase in order size? Lets say the payment was received from Company D located in Nigeria. What you don’t see is Company D sending Customer A an invoice for $10 million for your silver widgets it received but hasn’t yet paid for. Or for $500, depending on which way the criminals want the money to move. Customer A can then “legitimately” pay Company D for goods actually received. A “legitimate” paper trail has been created.

This hypothetical transaction puts your company squarely in the middle of a criminal money-laundering scheme, likely in violation of multiple laws. And criminals are creatures of habit, the next thing you know, your salesperson wakes up to find four more $5 million orders in his or her inbox. Business is good! But the fines and possible jail time consequences are not.

How do you protect your company? By asking questions like those that banks have been asking for decades: who are you? Is there anything suspicious about this transaction? Is there a legitimate reason for a third party payment?

Corporate compliance officers need to put into place basic anti-money laundering techniques to prevent their companies from aiding criminal schemes. A basic anti-money laundering program does not have to be complicated or slow down business. It requires training your personnel to “know your customer” and be aware of red flags. Basic processes must document the questions asked and answers found. As always, if you don’t write it down it didn’t happen.

Source: blog.volkovlaw.com



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