
Hi All,

You will find below a few indexes/maps which I believe are very useful for risk-assessing Money-Laundering, Bribery and Corruption and sanctions risks.

This list is not exhaustive, so if you feel there is a relevant missing index/map, please do not hesitate to comment and suggest it. I will then add it to the list.

Transparency International – Corruption Perception Index 2014

World Bank – Worldwide Governance Indicators (latest reports are dated 2012)

Basel Institute of Governance – 2014 Basel AML Index

Vision of Humanity – Global Peace Index

Business Anti-Corruption Portal – Global Anti-Corruption Legislation 

Global Integrity – The Global Integrity Report

Global Witness – Issues

Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative – EITI Countries Reports (latest reports are dated 2012)

TRACE Matrix – Global Business Bribery Risk Index for the Compliance Community